Called to Serve

Called to Serve

Monday, October 26, 2015

October 26, 2015

Hey! We had a really great week. Now that the 4 of us live together its a lot more fun, it seems like there is more time in the morning to work out, and to read while waiting for the shower. I have a really good habit of waking up right on time and making my bed and praying. It makes a big difference in the day when we wake up on top of things, or if we wake up lazy. Something that would've helped a lot in high school but hey what can you do haha, I'll definitely apply it for the rest of my life though. 

We are seeing a lot of miracles. I love a quote that Mr. Tousa always said "if you're not getting better, you're getting worse". We always do self analysis in the mission, personally and in companionship. We see what things we need to start doing, what things we need to stop doing, and what things we should continue doing. We put about 3-5 things in each category and it really helps us to focus more on being efficient and effective. We cant fall into routines, we always have to be creative! 

We are being a lot more direct with the people who we teach. Some times we seem to beat around the bush and are scared to invite people to do things, but if we really love our brothers and sisters we are going to tell them what they need to hear, and what God wants them to hear. I love a funny quote that says "Friends tell you what you want to hear, but true friends tell you what you NEED to hear." I am only appointed for so much time, I need to use it as wisely as possible and what I have been called of God to do is bring his children unto him through faith, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the holy ghost, and enduring to the end. If not now then when? Today is the day to receive the blessings of an eternity! 

I love the Book of Mormon. It is so clear what God has in store for us, and how we are going to receive it. Obey the commandments! Its so clear. The consistency, every single day, don't be lazy. Pray, Read the scriptures, Apply them, and go to church on Sunday, humble yourself, repent. He loves us so much, what are we doing to show him that we love him too? Take advantage of the blessings! :)
Love you! Have an amazing week! Remember the little things!

Cooking Aji de Gallina with the Bylon family!

better picture from the english class awhile ago. The new district, E Montoya Col, E Romero Equ, 
E Quada S Carolina. 


Elder Lambson :)

October 19, 2015

What a blessing it is to have such amazing family and friends! Yes I was able to get all of the packages. It always makes me so happy to read how everyone is and know that the Lord is blessing you. I am so grateful for the way the Lord blesses us spiritually and temporally as we keep his commandments. And I loved what Elder Chalmers shared in his letter that as we keep the commandments we are really putting our lives in an easier position to receive happiness.

Sorry I cant send any photos today, the internet cabin is a little slower. The reason why we didn't email yesterday is because for this week we changed Pday to today because we went to the Temple! Its always amazing to go to the temple and feel the spirit so strongly. I remember that one time you told me that you get a real good feeling of what heaven will be like when you go to the temple because you are there all pure and clean, and you get to be with lots of friends and family. When we went into the celestial room, there was another zone coming in as well and I saw a bunch of old friends like my trainer Elder Balderrama, and also one of my best friends Elder Jolley. So I knew just what you were talking about. It was a great feeling.

The Gospel is amazing and we have to really take advantage of how great it is haha. Some times when we have something so amazing in our lives, but it is in front of our faces everyday, we depreciate it a little and we don't realize how great it really is! Do the small and simple things! Thank God everyday for every blessing and every trial, this time is amazing, and it is also very short. So we have to take advantage of it! "Doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith" The Gospel is true! God loves us, so show him that you love him too! I hope you have an amazing week! I will write more next week about some of the adventures that we are having here in Chosica, Peru!

Elder Lambson :)

Saturday, October 17, 2015

October 12, 2015

That sounds like an awesome week! I'm glad you're loving life! I am too! Are new covnerts are doing really well! Even though one of them  is only 13 she is going to seminary with her best friend. F is doing really well too, he is having a great time with all of the other youth singles in the ward and he is pretty set on going on a mission here in a year! 

I hope you like the pictures haha ..I love the animals here so much! One is with a pure bread "Pero Peruano" (peruvian dog) and the other is with the cutest little baby boxer who fell asleep on my lap while we were teaching a less active family.

As you can see we are loving the area, mountains and stairs all day every day. When I get back the Red Mountain will be a piece of cake.
My companion and I are together again for a second transfer! We get along really well, we are always focusing on the positive! The first few days we were together he would always ask me "Are you mad?" and finally I told him, if you ask someone everyday if they're mad I can assure you that with time you will receive the answer you are looking for. I told him that instead of asking me if I'm mad he should ask me "Are you happy?" haha. It really did make a big difference in our relationship though. We cant set up ourselves, or others to fail from the very start, we have to always focus on the positive. Every single night after we finish planning we always say 5 good things each that happened in the day, as we focus on the positive it makes every day so much more rewarding, and easier to enjoy. I want to invite you to do it too! Every night before you go to bed think of at least 5 good things that happened in your day and watch the change that comes!! I love you! Have a great week!
Elder Lambson :)

Friday, October 16, 2015

October 5, 2015

This was such an amazing week! It went so perfect. Saturday was the best day ever! I prayed so much that everything would go perfectly and that it would be the will of the Lord. 5:20 futbol as a zone, so fun. Then prepare the baptismal font and rooms, studies and Conference all day was amazing. Then after the second session the baptisms went perfectly! Both who were baptized (F & J) came on time with their families, we had a full room and for the first time in my whole mission the baptism started on time! That's what I call a miracle :) haha. Everything went amazing and then we went together with F to watch the Priesthood session. Wow it was the most perfect day and I know that God guided every single moment and if we wouldn't have trusted and gone to him (F the new convert) this wouldn't have happened.


Elder Lambson :)